Tall People vs Short People


Are you a short person? You may come back with the question, “Well, what is considered a short person?” The answer is relative. In other words, a short person is not a specific height, but a person mostly shorter than everyone else. Therefore, he feels shorter. In short, being short is being shorter than most other people. And being tall, well the opposite of that.

It is not my intention to depress all of you short, but the research findings are really against you. Short people are at a disadvantage when it comes  to mariage, health, money, and respect from others. There are ways to go about situations that can allow you to gain the upper hand, however. Explaining those ways will be part of this blog. Further, I also want to show that being tall is not all that great. Tall people can have a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with power that is above them.

Disadvantages of being short

Continuous studies show that taller people are more successful, healthier, live longer and have happier marriages than shorter people. So let me speak out all these disadvantages in one short burst of hurt to all my fellow short people, with all due respect. Here I go.

  • Short people make less money. Studies have found that every inch of height above the company norm adds $638 to the salary package. Surprisingly, those over 6′ 2″ earn 12% more than those under six feet.
  • Women choose partners that are taller than them, and men choose partners who are shorter. Tallness has been found to be linked to higher testosterone levels, which is why women prefer them. Women see taller men as more protective, and so they get chosen first. Also, marriages where the man is 9% taller than the women are happier than those who fall short.
  • People who appear strong and assertive are seen as tall by others. This is a natural tendency we get when we see assertive individuals. For example, those who have assertive performances on TV and movies are thought of as tall, when if fact they may be as short as a candlestick. An impressive tittle, such as a professor at a university, can make others believe you are taller than you really are.
  • The shorter you are the most likely you will be interrupted by men. This goes especially for women in the workplace. Even if you are a senior manager, if you are at a company mostly populated by men, you will have time to present your ideas fully and with the same equality as men.
  • Taller men have greater reproductive success. The reason for this also relates to higher testosterone levels. Testosterone levels have been found to be directly linked to reproductive success, so tall men fall in that category. This study is also influenced by the fact that women prefer taller men.

Disadvantages of Being Tall.

Have you ever noticed how pretty women’s faces are? Even other women would agree to this. Women have big sparkly eyes, long eye lashes, smooth jaw lines, cute noses, and plum lips. In fact, a women’s facial structure remains largely unchanged as they age, which resembles more of a child than that of an adult. On the other hand, men’s faces become more adult like, with larger foreheads, thicker jaws, rough facial hair, and more defined nose structures. Apparently, nature’s goal has been to make a woman’s face more childlike so that men are driven to protect them, as they do their children. Consequently, that is also why they are shorter.

I am not here to explain sexual differences to you, I am here to tell you that women are shorter for a reason.The disadvantage that women have over man may as well be their advantage, however, their height.

  • Shorter people can more easily placate a dominant power. Studies have shown that people who appear shorter get less tickets from an officer than those who are taller. Shortness, along with open palms, and other signs of submissiveness have shown that an officer will be 50% less likely to give a ticket. Further, if you are a woman, you can blink a lot and break your voice as if about to cry, making you almost impossible detain ;-).
  • Women who are shorter than their male partners live happier. This goes hand in hand with the previous fact. Shorter people in general have it easier to placate, or convince a higher dominant power to their will, which could be directly correlated to women being happier with men who are taller than them.
  • Taking a shorter stance can act as a dominant signal. This can happen only in occasions where you invade the other’s property. Sitting down in the owner’s chair to make yourself comfortable can make yourself seem dominant. Any sign of a person taking over theowners property will be seen as more dominant, even if that person is short.
  • Making yourself seem shorter can gain you more sales. In the business world, Japanese business men will bow to prospective customers to show respect. In America, a car sales man who slightly bows his head to his customer on first impression is seen as more likable by his customers, which earns him more sales. Business men who bow more to potential customers have a higher chance of gaining a sale.

Appearing Taller

So you are a short person? You want want to appear taller for respect, or for others to listen to you. Or you may be a tall person, and you feel like you need to convince others without them being threatened by you. Well listen up, there are ways to do both of these. The key is simple, to appear taller if you need to be seen as taller, in whichever people relate to being tall.

  • Wear shirts with vertical stripes. Vertical stripes vertical strips as apposed to horizontal make people think you are taller than you are. This is a good and easy technique to appear taller.
  • Stand upright. Standing upright does not only make you look more confident and attractive to women, but adds a couple of inches to your height, literally. Standing upright is another easy way to appear taller.
  • Wear monochromatic colors or dark colors with fitted clothing. OK, here’s a bunch of them. Monochromatic clothing elongates the frame as your body doesn’t look as different parts. Dark colors also help blend the contrast to make you seem more of one upright piece, instead of parts. And last, fitted clothing reduces your width, and makes you seem higher than you are.
  • Wear taller hair styles. This goes hand in hand with simply looking taller to others. If there is anything you can do to add inches like wearing higher hair styles, and wearing heels if you are a girl, do it and you will appear taller.
  • Wear the right fitted jacket. This one is for men who wear suits at work. The jacket should come down where the buttocks meet the legs, right below the butt. This makes your torso appear more elongated, which makes you look taller. Be careful wearing a jacket that is too wide as wideness can make you seems shorter. If you are small enough, wear fitted clothing. Further, to appear more dominant, wear a jacket with more shoulder padding. This will make you look more athletic, which is what most men and women prefer in the opposite sex.
  • Lower their height and increase yours. If you are giving a presentation and have control over standing or sitting positions, lower theirs, and heighten yours. By lowering the chairs in an conference room and heightening  yours, you can gain more credibility. If you don’t have control over their seat height, try standing up when you talk. Pretend you get up for a drink at the conference coffee table, then come back to your seat but don’t sit down. Finish your speech standing up, and you won’t believe how much less you’ll be interrupted, and how much people will actually listen, even if you are a woman in a male dominated workplace.

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